What everyone at All Saints needs to remember is that even if you were not physically present on this trip, you were there with us. You were there with us in prayer. You were there with us in those 100 blue bins of supplies that rolled off the plane in Port au Prince. You were there with us in the vestments and altar linens that were sent from our sacristy and put into the hands of Pere Jeannot and Pere Faublas (the Catholic priest). You were there with us in the donations that went into the Rice Bowl that powered the purchase of the computer network, that fund the ongoing medical clinic, that support the orphanage and its children.
Our Rice Bowl contribution made us eligible this year to become a member parish of the Haiti Outreach Mission. All Saints will have a representative on the board and we will be a full participant in decision-making and planning (and fundraising!) for the mission. All of us want to return on next year's trip. If anyone is interested in joining us, please talk to one of the team about the experience. It is primarily a medical mission, so sometimes it is hard to find roles for everyone. But God has a way of providing the people who need to go on each trip.
Keep the children of Mirebalais in your prayers this week. They need so much. What we did seemed very small in some ways. But it was so much, much more than they would have gotten otherwise. They got toothbrushes. They got vitamins. They got some basic, really basic medical attention. But they also got to see that people from another country, another language, another culture, care about them and their future.
We met Jesus in these people. We hope that they also met Jesus in us.
+ Pere Kit
Pere Kit: Welcome home! msm