All Saints will soon be making its presence known when our new 500-lb bell arrives this week. The bell, cast by the Verdin Company, will ring out for the first time at the Ascension Day service, this Thursday, May 1, at 7 p.m. Don Hoopingarner has composed a bell choir anthem especially for the occasion.
The bell will be installed earlier in the day. We'd rather not have watchers in the parking lot, but a post on the fence at the Hannah Center field should give you a good view. When the bell is in place, I've been promised a ride in the manlift so I can sprinkle it with holy water and bless it to our use.
On Sundays, you'll be hearing the bell ring 15 minutes before the service, at the beginning of the service, and again at the end. There may be other set times for the bell to strike, which are still to be determined.
The bell has been a gift of two faithful and anonymous parishioners. In honor of their desire to remain anonymous, the inscription on the bell indicates whom we must really thank: Soli Deo Gloria -- to God be the glory.
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