Thursday, May 29, 2008

Seek the Truth ...

"Seek the truth, come whence it may, cost what it will ..."

This phrase, which has become my prayer prior to preaching, comes from the entryway to the library at Virginia Theological Seminary. It is a quote from William Sparrow, an early dean.

The new dean of VTS, Ian Markham, is thinking a lot about this word "truth." It appears in its Latin form, veritas, on banners hung on light poles around the campus (with the VTS in VeriTaS emphasized). But he has also said that the truth sought and taught at this seminary is two-fold:

The truth handed down to us in our tradition and scripture.

The truth alive and ever-new, always being discovered and re-discovered for our time.

That pretty much describes my approach to preaching, seeking the truth as it unfolds in the scripture given to us for the day, but also seeking what the truth for us today is in that ancient text.


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