Thursday, April 17, 2008

Working for Justice in Lansing

ACTION of Greater Lansing, an ecumenical justice ministry network that All Saints is part of, is working on this year's justice focus -- housing. Janet Chegwidden and Ruth Ann Jones have been assisting with research on housing issues in the area and what course of action we might propose to community leaders.

In the city of Lansing, landlords do not have to register. So there is nothing to prevent landlords whose properties are red tagged or who lose homes in foreclosure from renting out other properties and continuing to operate residences that don't meet code. Also, when a landlord loses the property to foreclosure, the renters must move out within 24 hours. This puts renting families under an incredible strain. They have to find a new place to live with no forewarning, children have to change schools suddenly, and it creates immediate homelessness for renting families who have done nothing wrong.

These are some of the issues ACTION is looking at. We will learn what action we intend to take at the upcoming RALLY, which will be held here at All Saints on May 5 at 6:30 p.m.

Then on May 19 at 6:30 p.m., the Nehemiah Action Assembly will be held at Union Baptist Church. This is when the community leaders will come to hear our proposal for ways to correct these injustices. The power last year of 500 people assembled to ask local officials to take on the Hot Spot card program and a jail to community re-entry program was amazing. ACTION effected real change.

We want to have 600 people in attendance at the Nehemiah assembly, and your All Saints Justice team leaders have boldly committed to have 150 people representing All Saints. That means having 50 All Saints members who are committed to attend the assembly and bring three others along with them.

Are you interested in helping us make some changes in our community? Speak to our team leaders -- Janet Chegwidden, Pam Miklavcic, Wendy Hedeen or me (Pastor Kit) if you want to learn more or add your name to our justice ministry network.

1 comment:

  1. Everybody who can come to the May 19 assembly, please do!
    It is painless.
    And it is powerful to be part of a group that creates real change for real people who need someone sticking up for them. This is where we help make policies that work for people, instead of just putting band-aids on everything. And just showing up pushes this much needed change along.
    I will kindly get off my soap box now.
