Our work there will include helping in the medical clinic, where Dick Johnson and Monica Stafford will offer their services. And also an intensive week of work at the St. Blase orphanage, where we will reconstruct the garden, start a composting system, provide solar ovens for the cooks, create a mural and offer Vacation Bible School activities for the children. Pam Miklavcic, who built fish farms in Togo in the Peace Corps, will also help explore fishery opportunities in the area.
I'll be blogging if possible, so stay tuned! In the meantime, you can support our trip and the people of Haiti in two ways:
1) Take a day to be in solidarity with the people of Haiti. Eat like a Haitian ... one meal at mid-day of a bowl of rice and beans. Drink only water. Let this be a Lenten fast for you, and pray during the day for Haitians (and for millions of people around the world) for whom this is their daily fare.
2) Please pray for every member of the Haiti Outreach Mission, but especially for our team: Wendy Hedeen, Monica Stafford, Dick Johnson, Gina Mazzolini, Colleen Hegg, Marlene Cosgrove, Andrew Carlson-Lynch, Eddie Aparicio, Pam Miklavcic, Carol Mader and me. Pray that our hearts will be open to meet Jesus as he comes to us in the people of Haiti. Pray that our work there will be of benefit. Pray for our safe journey and a safe return home.
Remember also our friend and seminarian, Wisnel Dejardin of Mirebalais, as he continues his studies in Virginia.
+ Kit
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